Coming Soon
Synopsis: In 1954 New Zealand, Nellie and Daisy attempt to escape an institution for delinquent girls, but they are caught and it triggers a relocation to a facility on a remote island. The duo become a trio as well-to-do Lou joins them, and life on the island takes shape under the command of the devout Matron. The trio rally against the system, dubious of the benevolence of the bible and taking refuge in their blossoming friendship. It’s hard to reform girls who don’t believe they need reforming. However, a sense of doom settles in when experimental forms of punishment take place in the dead of night. Nellie and Daisy plot rebellion, but unexpectedly find themselves at odds with Lou, who is afraid to break the rules. .
- Running time 98mins
- ( M )
Screening times:
Wed21/08 Thur22/08 Fri23/08 Sat24/08 Sun25/08 Mon26/08 Tues27/08 Wed28/08 Thurs29/08 TBA . TBA .
Synopsis: When a construction worker joins a local theatre's production of "Romeo and Juliet," the drama onstage starts to mirror his own life.. .
- Running time 115mins
- ( M )
Screening times:
Wed14/08 Thur15/08 Fri16/08 Sat17/08 Sun18/08 Mon19/08 Tues20/08 Wed21/08 Thurs22/08 TBA . TBA .
Love is in the air! André Rieu's Maastricht Concert: "POWER OF LOVE" COMES TO THE METRO DUNEDIN on August 31st. Let the romance of André's music sweep you off your feet into a comfy cinema seat! Don’t miss the most enchanting cinema event of the year... ALL NEW 2024 PROGRAM. .
- Running time 180mins
- ( G )
Screening times:
Wed28/08 Thur29/08 Fri30/08 Sat31/08 Sun1/09 Mon2/09 Tues3/09 Wed4/09 Thurs5/09 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm .
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