Coming Soon
Synopsis: The Wild Robot" follows Rozzum 7134 ("Roz" for short), a futuristic robot that washes ashore on a deserted island. A tale of survival and discovery begins when she becomes the unexpected protector to an orphaned gosling, which she names Brightbill. Together they struggle to survive the harsh environment, but only succeed with the help of a close-knit group of misfit animals, who become first friends, then family. Ultimately Roz and company save the island from a robotic invasion by Roz's manufacturer, looking to bring her back to civilization by any means necessary. .
- Running time 106mins
- ( G )
Screening times:
Wed25/09 Thur26/09 Fri27/09 Sat28/09 Sun29/09 Mon30/09 Tues1/10 Wed2/10 Thurs3/10 TBA
Synopsis: Deep in the wild Southern Ocean, halfway between Australia and Africa, a snowy volcano almost three thousand meters high rears up from the sea like a mythical great white whale. Five times that great white whale of a mountain tried to kill the first team that sought to reach its summit. Yet in 1964, back they sailed, through the worst seas in the world, to try again, this time with legendary explorer Bill Tilman as their skipper. This is the extraordinary tale of those first attempts to climb Big Ben, the smoking glacier ringed volcano on Hard Island told by those who were there. At times expeditioner John Crick sings the songs too, as befits such an epic saga. .
- Running time 104mins
- ( E )
Screening times:
Wed18/09 Thur19/09 Fri20/09 Sat21/09 Sun22/09 Mon23/09 Tues24/09 Wed25/09 Thurs26/09 TBA
Synopsis: Grace Pudel is a lonely misfit with an affinity for collecting ornamental snails and an intense love for books. At a young age, when Grace is separated from her fire-breathing twin brother Gilbert, she falls into a spiral of anxiety and angst. Despite a continued series of hardships, inspiration and hope emerge when she strikes up an enduring friendship with an elderly eccentric woman named Pinky, who is full of grit and lust for life. From Academy Award®-winning animation writer and director Adam Elliot, Memoir of a Snail is a poignant, heartfelt and hilarious chronicle of the life of an outsider finding her confidence and silver linings amongst the clutter of everyday life. .
- Running time TBAmins
- ( TBA )
Screening times:
Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs
Synopsis: A heartfelt exploration of grief and resilience, The Garden Room captures the emotional journey of a Christchurch family as they cope with the stillbirth of their son at full term and find strength in their shared experience. .
- Running time 78mins
- ( M )
Screening times:
Wed25/09 Thur26/09 Fri27/09 Sat28/09 Sun29/09 Mon30/09 Tues1/10 Wed2/10 Thurs3/10 TBA
Synopsis: Dr. Elizabeth Taylor is a surgeon at the top of her field, where split second decisions and millimetre movements can mean the difference between life or death. When she makes a fateful decision during a routine surgery, Elizabeth starts to face consequences in her professional and personal life. A Mistake is a thought-provoking film that delves into the ripple effect of a single human error. .
- Running time 115mins
- ( M )
Screening times:
Wed9/10 Thur10/10 Fri11/10 Sat12/10 Sun13/10 Mon14/10 Tues15/10 Wed16/10 Thurs17/10 TBA .
Info line 471 96345… or go to….online reservation